A one on one Hypnotic Dream Lab session with Andreea or Elisa runs approximately 3 hours for the initial session, including the preliminary discussion, and 2 hours for subsequent sessions. These sessions are conducted online via Zoom.
We will start by chatting about your specific needs at the moment and what you hope to gain moving forward. This conversation ensures that your goals are clarified and understood, in order to facilitate the most appropriate hypnosis session for you.
Once the session begins, you will be skillfully guided into a state of deep relaxation, allowing you to access all the inspiration, answers, and solutions that reside within you. It is in this profound state of relaxation that the barriers of conscious thinking are dissolved, opening up a direct pathway to your inner wisdom and creative potential.
Through compassionate and insightful questioning and dialogue, you will easily and effortlessly find the answers within you, in order to move forward. The Higher Self always oversees these Quantum Hypnosis sessions, so you can be sure that what you are shown is for your highest good, and you will see and experience exactly what you are meant to.
We offer following one on one sessions in person
We offer following one on one sessions via ZOOM:
 Remote Hypnosis - visit an ancient civilisation to reveal ancient wisdom.
Booking: Fill in the contact form and we will come back to you. 
Book a 15 minutes free call via the contact form.
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